Current version 1.1.0
Perform simple mathematical operations.
Find Math Expression in the Actions tab and drag it onto the canvas to use it.
To open the configuration, click the Action in the canvas and select Configuration.
In order to configure this action, you must first link it to a Listener. Go to Building a Pipeline to learn how to link.
The fields view shows a list of fields from the connected Listener or Action.
We can use these fields to carry out our calculations. Type or drag the fields to create a new operation and write the mathematical operation you wish to carry out.
The following operations are supported:
Sum: +
Sub: -
Multiplication: *
Division: /
Module: %
Power: **
Bear in mind the options available will depend on the action fields.
You can also use the arrow keys on your keyboard to navigate up and down the list.
Add as many operations as required using the Add Operation option.
Give a name to the output field and click Save to complete.
Simple expression with an event field:
Transform a number into its opposite one:
Negation of a parenthesis:
The module of a division and, then, raised to the power of three: