To access your organization settings, click your user icon in the bottom left of the application and select Organization settings.
There can be instances where we use sensitive values such as usernames, passwords, API keys, authorization tokens, etc. You can add these values here.
You can search for a secret or, if you have the permissions, turn them on or off.
Learn all about permissions here.
In the Secrets Management view, select New Secret and configure your secret and values.
The metadata is what you will see when adding a secret to elements throughout Onum, so make sure you give it a name that you will be able to identify the secret values by.
Use the toggle to enable an Expiration date and use the calendar to choose one.
Although you can disable expiration dates, it is recommended to set one for best security practices.
Permission permitting, you can toggle a secret active/inactive at any point.
Here is where you enter your secret value. This will be the password/access key/certificate, etc. itself.
Click Add new value and simply type in the secret value to be stored.
When you have finished, click Save in the right-hand corner.
You can remove a secret at any time using the ellipse next to its name.
If your secret is being used in a Pipeline, you will be asked to confirm its deletion. Click the version it is being used in to take you to the Pipeline and see where exactly it is being used before deleting.
Manage your tenant users and general activity
Note that this feature is not available for all Tenants by default. Contact us if you want to use it but it is not available in your Tenant.
The Tenant area provides information on
Note that this feature is not available for all Tenants by default. Contact us if you want to use it but it is not available in your Tenant.
Users are associated with at least one role in order to control access to specific Onum features and to secure your Tenant.
To access the user and role settings, click your user icon in the bottom left of the application and select Invite users & team members.
Here you can add or manage users from your organization.
Click Add user and provide the email address for the new user.
You must assign a role to a user in order to determine access and privileges within Onum.
Choose between:
Viewer: this is a read-only role. It grants permission to view all aspects Onum but not modify.
Owner: this is the owner of the Tenant and has all privileges (read, update, delete & create). This role is automatically assigned to the user that creates the Tenant. Only this role can delete a Tenant.
Admin: this role is granted full access (read, update, delete & create), except from the ability to delete a Tenant or users with the Owner role.
From the list of existing roles, there are various actions you can complete (permissions permitting):
In the Role column, click the current role to expand a drop-down menu and select the new role to assign it.
You can also change the role by ticking the box next to the user and selecting change role that appears at the bottom of the screen.
Select the ellipses next to the desired user, or tick the box next to the name.
Click Copy email and it will be copied to your clipboard.
Select the ellipses next to the desired user, or tick the box next to the name.
Click delete user and then select Remove to confirm.
You can tick various users in the list to carry out a bulk copy of their emails.
Note that this feature is not available for all Tenants by default. Contact us if you want to use it but it is not available in your Tenant.
The Activity Log provides a detailed record of all actions and interactions in your Tenant.
To access the activity log, click your user icon in the bottom left of the application and select Activity log.
To narrow down to the events you are looking for, you can select a specific time range or filter for a User.
Click the Event to go to the action in question.
Click the User icon at the bottom left of the screen to open the Preferences, Organization or Access settings.
Here you can personalize how you view and use Onum on your screen.
Choose between Light or Dark themes, and decide whether to show keyboard shortcuts or not. The default mode is Dark.
From here, you can also automatically log out.
Click to open more administration sections:
Set up and manage how to access your Onum account
To access your account settings, click your user icon in the bottom left of the application and select My Account.
View your log in credentials here and change your password if and when needed.